/******************************************************************************* * * This module presents four example PowerWeb Server++ API Hook Functions: * (all are accessible via the Guided Tour) * * TourCalculation - used in the Pizza example * TourPresentCSV - used in the Database Viewer example * TourDirect - used in the Direct-Call example * TourTree - used as a more sophisticated Direct-Call example * * COPYRIGHT: * CompuSource (Pty) Ltd * Licensed Materials - Property of CompuSource (Pty) Ltd * (C) Copyright CompuSource (Pty) Ltd 1994-1996. * All Rights Reserved * Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by international * copyright law. * *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "PowerAPI.hpp" #if defined(__IBMCPP__) #define EXPORT APIENTRY _Export #elif defined(_MSC_VER) #define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall #else #define EXPORT #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const char* pszHeader = ""; static const char* pszTrailer = ""; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function is called from the order entry form to perform calculations // based on data entered. The results are then fed back to the form. // Only very simple error checking is performed. long EXPORT TourCalculation (void* parcel) { long cPepperoni; long cHawaiian; double dPrice = 0.0; double dTax; double dTotal; void* hFormFields; // Get a handle to the list of all form fields for quick reference. ServerFind(parcel, "Request:/Argument", &hFormFields); // Read the two data entry fields - note there is no decoding of // POST arguments - PowerWeb Server++ does this all for us. ServerReadInteger(hFormFields, "Pepperoni", &cPepperoni); ServerReadInteger(hFormFields, "Hawaiian", &cHawaiian); // Perform our computations. dPrice += cPepperoni * 10.95; dPrice += cHawaiian * 12.95; dTax = floor(dPrice * 10.0) / 100.0; dTotal = dPrice + dTax; // Create three new form fields derived from the existing fields. ServerNewFloat(hFormFields, "Price", dPrice); ServerNewFloat(hFormFields, "Tax", dTax); ServerNewFloat(hFormFields, "Total", dTotal); // Tell the server we had no errors. return HOOK_OK; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function is called whenever a ".CSV" file is loaded from the // Tour database directory. It presents comma-separated-variable files // in an HTML table. // Only very simple error checking is performed. long EXPORT TourPresentCSV (void* parcel) { char aszFile[_MAX_PATH]; FILE* csv; char buffer[1024]; void* hResult; char* pszBegin; char* pszComma; // Query the current physical resource being accessed. ServerReadText(parcel, "Request:/Resource", aszFile, sizeof(aszFile)); // Open the file so that we can translate it into HTML. csv = fopen(aszFile, "r"); if (csv == 0) { ServerWriteInteger(parcel, "Request:/StatusCode", 400); return HOOK_ERROR; } // Get a handle to the HTML result output variable. ServerFind(parcel, "Request:/Result", &hResult); // Output the HTML preamble. ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, pszHeader); ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, "

Tabular View of "); ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, aszFile); ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, "

"); // Process each line (record) within the database file. while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), csv)) { ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, ""); // Scan for each field and output it with a
prefix. pszBegin = buffer; while ((pszComma = strchr(pszBegin, ',')) != 0) { *pszComma = 0; // Remove surrounding quotes, if any. if (*pszBegin == '"') { pszBegin++; if (pszComma[-1] == '"') { pszComma[-1] = 0; } else { *pszComma = ','; pszComma = strchr(pszComma, '"'); if (pszComma == 0) break; *pszComma = 0; pszComma++; } } ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, ""); ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, (*pszBegin) ? pszBegin : "."); pszBegin = pszComma + 1; } // Output the last field in the record. pszComma = pszBegin + strlen(pszBegin); if (pszComma[-1] == '\n') pszComma--; if (*pszBegin == '"' && pszComma[-1] == '"') { pszBegin++; pszComma[-1] = 0; } ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, ""); ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, (*pszBegin) ? pszBegin : "."); ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, "\n"); } fclose(csv); // Output the closing HTML code. ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, "
"); ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, pszTrailer); return HOOK_OK; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function is called directly from a URL without needing an // associated resource to manage it. // It is very simple - outputs "Hello World". Our apologies for // this over-used example, but script writing doesn't get more complex! long EXPORT TourDirect (void* parcel) { void* hResult; // Get a handle to the HTML result output variable. ServerFind(parcel, "Request:/Result", &hResult); // Output our message, surrounded by standard HTML ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, pszHeader); ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, "Hello World, from a Direct C Interface."); ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, pszTrailer); return HOOK_OK; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Internal function called recursively by TourTree(). void TourTreeRecursion(void* hRoot, void* hResult, int iLevel) { unsigned long iKind; char buffer[256]; ServerKind(hRoot, &iKind); // If not at the root, display the hRoot Variable's name and value. if (iLevel > 0) { ServerName(hRoot, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, "
  • "); if (iKind == TYPE_LIST) { ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, ""); } ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, buffer); if (iKind == TYPE_LIST) { ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, ""); } else { ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, " = "); ServerReadText(hRoot, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, (strlen(buffer) == 0) ? "(None)" : buffer); } } // If the hRoot Variable is a list, display it recursively. if (iKind == TYPE_LIST) { void* hNext; if (ServerChild(hRoot, &hNext) == ERR_NONE) { ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, "
      "); do { TourTreeRecursion(hNext, hResult, iLevel+1); } while (ServerSibling(hNext, &hNext) == ERR_NONE); ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, "
    \n"); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Recursively dump a multi-level list representation of the entire // tree of Variables, or of a sub-tree if there is an argument to the URL. // Example: "!TourTree?Request:/" long EXPORT TourTree (void* parcel) { void* hResult; void* hRoot; char buffer[256]; // Get a handle to the HTML result output variable. ServerFind(parcel, "Request:/Result", &hResult); // Read the argument to the URL (if any) ServerReadText(parcel, "Request:/ArgumentText", buffer, sizeof(buffer)); // If no argument given, use a default of the Configuration database. if (strlen(buffer) == 0) strcpy(buffer, "Config:/"); // Output an HTML background ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, pszHeader); // Test whether the requested root of the Variable tree actually exists. if (ServerFind(parcel, buffer, &hRoot) != ERR_NONE) { ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, "Failed to Find the Requested Variable Directory: "); ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, buffer); } else { ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, "

    Tree of Variables Under: "); ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, buffer); ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, "

    \n"); TourTreeRecursion(hRoot, hResult, 0); } ServerAppendText(hResult, 0, pszTrailer); return HOOK_OK; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif